Blog Captivate Updates Captivate features & updates – 24th September 2019

Captivate features & updates – 24th September 2019

Rebel Base Media Feature Release Blog

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It’s weekly update time!! As always, we’ve worked hard to listen to what you’d love to see in Captivate and have put together the latest release as follows…

  • Third-party podcast tracking codes – added support for custom tracking codes provided by our friends at Chartable, Podtrac et al.
  • Custom copyright statement on a show-by-show basis – thanks to Cody Boyce for the idea, you can now override the default copyright statement on each podcast that you run.
  • Podchaser rating update – we’ve made it easier to showcase your podcast’s Podchaser rating on your in-built Captivate website, whoop!
  • Add team members to new shows directly from their profile – it’s now even easier to add team members to new podcasts that they don’t already have access to.
  • Skip cover-art upload on setting up your podcast – thanks to Amy Woods, you can now create a podcast without the requirement of adding a podcast cover at that time – Captivate will keep tabs on this for you and not let you submit to any directories without uploading a cover later, all distribution options will be disabled to save any embarrassing moments!
  • Intelligent cover-art upload – Captivate now intelligently checks that your cover art is the optimum file size and colorspace so that Apple et al don’t reject it. That’s cute isn’t it.
  • Added m4a audio file support – you can now upload m4a files to your podcast episodes and we won’t convert them, you’re welcome James Cridland.
  • No heroes… – you now have the option to remove all hero text from your Captivate podcast website.
  • Apple is more obvious – Captivate will now show you that you have submitted and been accepted in Apple Podcasts as long as you pop your Apple Podcasts URL into the marketing section of your dashboard.
  • Updated Google Play notes – we’ve made it clear in the Distribution section that Google Play is a little different to Google Podcasts (erm, a lot different).
  • Hansel & Gretel – started adding breadcrumb trails throughout the platform because it’s nice to know where you came from. My Mum always reminds me of this. Hey, Mum.

All relevant help articles have been updated to reflect these changes.

For the complete release notes, check out the changelog.

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