Start your podcast today! Overcome the fear of failure, your technology worries and focus on starting a podcast that will grow from day one!

Unlimited Podcast Uploads
Never worry about running out of storage space, having to delete older episodes, or being charged for your file uploads.
Whether you're a seasoned podcaster with a vast catalog or just starting out focus on producing high-quality episodes and building a loyal audience, while we handle the storage logistics.
Unlimited Episodes
With unlimited podcast episodes, you have the flexibility to experiment with different formats, explore new ideas, and evolve your show over time. Expand your podcast library, build a comprehensive archive, and keep your listeners engaged with fresh and exciting episodes.
Never worry about your "plan" not being big enough or needing to upgrade to publish something new!

No Time or File Size Limits
Say goodbye to worrying about time limits or having to split your content into multiple parts. Whether you want to dive deep into engaging conversations, explore in-depth topics, or create epic storytelling experiences, our unlimited podcasting time empowers you to express yourself fully.
Growth Labs
Captivate Growth Labs is a safe place to learn all of the skills that no one told you that you needed to become a successful podcaster and is completely free to all Captivate users!
With an actionable and continually expanding library of courses and workshops diving deep into all facets of podcast marketing, audience growth and monetization, you'll never feel stuck, you'll never feel lost and you'll never feel alone as you watch your audience and your downloads grow.

Personal, 5-Star Customer Support
Captivate is renowned for the best customer service in the entire industry.
With consistent 5-star support reviews, our team covers all major timezones and we guarantee that you'll always speak to the right person at the right time.
There's no such thing as a silly question and our team will never make you feel like you're asking something that you shouldn't!

Quick, Intuitive Help Centre
Captivate's help section is intelligently built to connect you with the quick, actionable information that you need, 24/7.
Search, discover, and solve any challenge that you might face within minutes thanks to the regularly updates, fully-guided articles, videos and more.
Quickly & Easily Distribute Your Podcast Everywhere, with a Single Click
Podcast distribution is a vital part of podcasting. Making your show available in as many outlets as possible gives you the best possible chance to reach new listeners across the globe, on any device.
Captivate's distribution center takes away all of that confusion and makes it easy (and free!) to submit your podcast to every directory in the world, with handy quick links for submission (and one-click submission for the podcast platforms that support it.)

Start Your Podcast and Be Live in Just a few Minutes!
All plans include a free no-obligation 30-day trial.
You'll get unlimited access to all features from day one, with no need to upgrade (ever!)
- Up to 30,000 downloads/month
- Unlimited Podcasts
- Unlimited Uploads/Storage
- Extensive Distribution List
- Up to 150,000 downloads/month
- Unlimited Podcasts
- Unlimited Uploads/Storage
- Extensive Distribution List
- Up to 300,000 downloads/month
- Unlimited Podcasts
- Unlimited Uploads/Storage
- Extensive Distribution List
For Custom Plans or need over 150,000 downloads per month, please email [email protected] who can help.
For Custom Plans or need over 150,000 downloads per month, please email [email protected] who can help.
What real podcasters say about our podcast hosting...

Verbal Diorama
with Em
The long-running movie podcast by Em has been successfully publishing for 230+ episodes and has grown a cult following of loyal fans. Here's how Captivate helps!

The News Agents,
by Global
Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall - three of the UK's top, most revered journalists - host one of the world's biggest news podcasts: The News Agents, produced by Global.

Bring Your Product Idea to Life
Vicki Weinberg started, grew, and became an award-winning podcaster in just two years - here's how Captivate helped & continues to help with Vicki's journey to success!

Unique, exclusive podcast growth & monetization tools at no extra cost.
Only available with Captivate!
Integrated Guest Booking • Interview Management • Episode Planning • Research Tools • Dynamic Show Notes and more!
Diagnose what is stopping your podcast launch, now!
Did you know that there are only FOUR things that stop people like you from launching a successful podcast?
The problem is, you don't know which of the four is affecting you, so you can't overcome it because you don't know what to ask! Until now...
Take the 45-second test to uncover, diagnose and overcome the ONE major thing that is holding you back from launching your podcast!