Recording Your First Episode AND Every Episode After That

The Podcast Launch Accelerator – How to Launch Your Podcast


Your trailer is published – you did it, you recorded your first podcast episode – well done!

Now it’s time to get used to the process of recording the next episode, and the next, and the next!

P.s. we’ll also talk about the pros and cons of “batching” your content… let’s get into it!

The process is the same, don’t worry. You’ve done it before and can easily do it again – let’s walk through it together.

Once you’ve done this episode, it’s just “rinse and repeat” for EVERY episode you produce!

Important: to publish this episode to Captivate, it is the same process as publishing your trailer – I’ve popped the tutorial in the links below 🙂

Remember, if you DO upload any episodes to Captivate, set them to “draft” status for now!
